If you are charged with a federal weapons offense, you want an experienced lawyer to protect your constitutional rights. The penalties for violating federal weapons laws can be severe. Even though the federal sentencing guidelines are no longer mandatory, they are still used by many judges as a baseline for establishing prison terms and other sanctions. When you are charged with a federal weapons crime, the judge will likely consider a variety of factors when issuing a sentence, including:
• Whether you have a criminal history
• How many victims were affected by your crime
• The seriousness of the crime
• In a weapons charge, the type and number of weapons used
Types of Federal Weapons Crimes
Federal statutes provide for prosecution for a wide range of firearms and weapons offenses, including the possession or sale of an unlicensed or illegal gun, firearm or other weapon. You can also be charged simply for being in possession of a weapon, if you are a convicted felon.
Federal law also provides additional penalties if you commit other crimes while using a firearm. These include drug offenses, such as sale or trafficking, as well as armed robbery and assault or battery.
Taking Steps to Protect Your Rights
The first thing you want to do if you have been arrested for violating a federal weapons law is contact an attorney. You will be entitled to a phone call when taken into custody. Use that call to contact your lawyer and request that they come to the police station.
Once you have been taken into custody, you want to exercise all your constitutional rights. You have the right to remain silent—exercise it. Don’t fool yourself into believing that you can explain the offense away. Though you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, law enforcement officers will spend more time and energy looking for evidence of your guilt than looking for ways to prove your innocence.
If the police or federal investigators show up at your door, wanting to talk with you, you don’t have to let them in unless they have a valid search warrant. Even if they show you a warrant, you can request that your attorney be present and review the warrant. Don’t let them in your house for any reason without a warrant. If they see evidence that they can reasonably argue gave them probable cause to suspect any type of criminal activity, they can search your home without a warrant.
Contact Our Office
At Laguna & Rosen, PLLC, we provide a free initial consultation to every client. To arrange a private meeting with an experienced Pennsylvania federal weapons crime defense attorney, contact us online or call our office at 717-233-5292. Se habla Espãnol.